My Thoughts: Do artist really get it?

Artist, their managers, and team . . . When I discuss with them other opportunities for music publishing. They're always like WHAT COMPANY. (And I use to be like this too) Then they are like what type of advance and deal?

BUT here is the issue. Most of them are looking for the "BAG." and don't realize that the offers they have on the table with that big cash advance comes with a 2-5 year term. And after that term is over the Publisher is still collecting 20-50% on those records during the term for 20yrs to life.

Where you could take less $$ and still the same term. But once the term is up you take those records with you. OR if everything is good with the Publisher and you feel great about them administering your records . . . well you stay.

This goes for anything in the music business. Labels as well. The more you take and the more you want the less you receive. When it comes to labels it's a little more complicated than that.

Being independent is great. But there are Pros & Cons

Pros: Own your master, collect 100% of the monies after distro, creative control

Cons: Have to fund everything: production, marketing and etc ...

So here is another issue. Artist does a P&D (Promotion & Distro) deal. And the distro company is taking 20-50% for the deal. Probably cus they gave you an advance and also they are working the records to DSP and etc.

But here is the issue. This type of deal is not a label deal. Sure, you are getting label “services.” You the artist are still the label. These deals are in place to help guide your music and marketing efforts further. But this doesn't entitle you to anything. Because if you were at a major, they are taking around 70-80% and they OWN the master(s).

So, don’t get it twisted when you see all this Independent hype. Because almost ALL of those artists making it independent is not in a sense “independent.” They are dependent on other moving parts within the industry that has leverage. And these artists are giving up a % to those individuals.

So, I really think the age of music we are in is not necessarily about independent or unsigned and or signed. It’s what can YOU do and what can you NOT do. What do you NEED assistance with? What are you willing to give up for that? What are you not willing to give up on? Do you understand what is guaranteed and NOT guaranteed?

Do you know how much marketing money needs to be spent to push a song and or album to the next level?

Do you know your audience?

Do you know your brand?

Are you being honest with yourself?

Are you pretending that this is you and it really isn’t?

Are you mad you aren’t getting somewhere because in actual reality it’s you and not the other people?

Do you realize that you being the artist is the brand and not something else?

Your music is a part of your brand. These 2 things need to go hand and hand. People can sniff out a fake/phony. Or someone that just isn’t being real with themselves and trying hard to be something they are not.

When someone asks you “What is your story?” What is it? And does everything you are saying make sense and are you selling the story?

You can make great music but if your brand doesn’t make sense or the person you portray doesn’t match the music. More than likely you won’t get the support you want. You can’t force people to like or support you. Just like you can’t force someone to spend their money a certain way.

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